Genetically Modified Food


Sometimes science and engineering is great, other times not so much. Why are GMOs even allowed nowadays? So many organizations and doctors say how they cause health issues. Yet, if you look on the back of packages, you'll see GMO that you'd least expect it with. Brand name products that you grew up with, and trusted! Why is the FDA allowing this? 

I found one article about the pros and cons of GMOs. I didn't even think there was one pro!

Let's find out here: Pros and cons of GMO foods: Health and environment (

Wow, that is a great article, and highly recommend reading it. 

Even with some pros, I still think GMOs should not be allowed. We tend to mess with too many natural things in life and we don't find out the consequences until years or decades later. Remember when TV dinners were all the rage? Then we found out how bad they are for us, all the chemicals and preservatives. We need to eat more natural foods, without being processed, not stripped of nutrients, and not added chemicals or toxic dyes. 

We allow this because we are lazy and it is much easier putting something in the microwave to warm it up versus cooking natural food. I am guilty as well, mostly everyone is. However, if we keep doing it, we are going to pay a high price for our health. Some kids and teenagers are having health conditions that most people that age never had. All that junk and processed food is causing gastrointestinal issues, Diabetes, heart disease and more. Read more about that here.

Start with baby steps and start replacing the processed foods with natural foods. Instead of 3 meals a day, do smaller ones with a variety of foods, like a small buffet. 

Some ideas on swapping processed foods for natural foods 

11 Ultra-Processed Foods to Avoid and 22 Healthier Swaps (

If you go about half way down the page, there is a section titled Limiting processed foods is already something we know , it has some great ideas.