About Lorena


I'm a deep thinker and feeler. I notice many things that other's pass by. People like me are often labeled as a Highly Sensitive Person. While a label can be positive or negative, for me, it's a positive. It pretty much describes me, and when I find other highly sensitive people, I feel at home. 

I love to express myself so here I am blogging about the different topics of life. I hope that one of these posts reaches out to you and can help you in some way. 

I used to be a perfectionist but am learning to let it go most of the time. I used to also have high expectations of others. I am working on that as well. God is training and teaching me. 

Some of my favorite things 💗

Coffee or Tea 



Books and movies that make you think

Board and card games


Learning new things

Helping others

Great, genuine friends

People who are compassionate

Talking (learning to rein myself in when overdoing it lol)

And.. on that note, will stop here 😉  Enjoy!