7 things to do to be more organized


We ALL need some help in getting more organized, right? Yep, me too!

Here's some help!

1. Do you have things that you need every day and need easy access to know where they are? 

  • Get a basket or small container. Put in the important things that you need like keys, phone, planner, small notebook, pens, etc. You won't be yelling out, "Does anyone know where my ___ is??". 
  • Set up these baskets/containers for each household member. 
2. Make a master to do list 

  • Write all the things that you need to get done. 
  • Then make a separate page for each task (so you can make a plan, make notes, etc)
3. Organize your purse or wallet once every couple months 

  • Remove old, expired coupons, unneeded things, file important receipts.
4. Set up snack bags to bring with you when you're on the go

  • To help prevent us from ordering junk food, make snack bags that will get you through until the next meal. 
  • Things like almonds, peanuts, raisins, grapes, strawberries, bananas, hard boiled eggs, peanut butter sandwiches, popcorn, sweet potato or healthy chips, cheese slices, etc.
5. Layout your clothing for the new few days 

  • Keep a section for each day's clothes on your dresser. No more worrying about what to wear!
6. If you hate doing dishes all at once, split them up. 

  • Tacke the dishes for 10 minutes in the morning, after work and before bed. 
  • This will work for all household cleaning, block out 10 min a few times a day.
7. Keep a household calendar on the wall

  • Make sure it is big enough to write in important events. Everyone in the household can see things at a glance. Keeping things digital works for some things but we need to keep things for easy access in 3d too.